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50 Idioms For The IELTS Speaking Test


Idioms for IELTS Speaking

An IELTS speaking exam can be stressful. Speaking in English to someone who is judging your every word can be a little intimidating, to say the least.

This is why we advise you to use as many idioms and phrases as possible. It will make your English sound more natural and fluent. Although idioms and phrases are very similar, there is a difference between them.

Phrases can have the same meaning when words are separated. Idioms lose their meaning if words are separated.

What is an idiom?

In other words, an idiom is a group of words that gives a specific meaning to a subject. If this group is separated, the meaning is lost.

In this podcast guide, we’ll take a look at 50 different idioms. Some are good for describing people – a common item on the IELTS Speaking Exam. Useful for describing other interests and activities.

The Most Important Idioms for IELTS Speaking will help you understand when and how to use these expressions, and most importantly, how to pronounce them.

At the end of this article, you will also find all the idioms we mentioned with explanations and examples.

Practice Idioms for the IELTS Speaking Exam

To practice your idioms, you can try taking the IELTS Speaking Mock Exam. You can calculate the time for responses and get a rough idea of ​​how much time you have to answer the question.

If you would like more useful information to help you with the IELTS speaking exam, you can check out other speaking tips and simulate IELTS language exams with band 9 answers.

50 Common IELTS Idioms You Can Use in a Speaking Test

Using idioms can help you style your English. It would be nice to use common and understandable idioms. During the Speaking Test, it is important that you sound natural and use idioms in a natural way to double your chances of getting a good grade.

How important are idioms and phrases in IELTS?

To pass IELTS, you must have an excellent vocabulary in order to get good scores. If you want to score a band 7, using idioms that are not relevant to the topic or situation may be sufficient. If you want to score 8, you need to skillfully use both idioms and phrases. Rarely can a candidate use them to perfection and achieve a 9 bands.

It should be remembered that idioms are like spices in a dish. You have to add them in moderation, too much of it and you’re leaving someone off the list, while too little will make you sound bookish.

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